Are You Still Printing E-Invoices?

printing e-invoices

In the rapidly evolving business landscape of Japan, adherence to compliance and tax regulations is more crucial than ever. For years, businesses have been managing electronic invoices (e-invoices) in a surprisingly traditional manner: printing them out for archiving. This practice, rooted in the need to meet Japan’s strict compliance regulations, is facing a significant overhaul. … Read more

Record Keeping: Minimize Paper with Paradigm

Record Keeping

For a long time, Japanese regulations demanded that businesses retain all transaction paper records. As such, the mountains of paper records can feel overwhelming. Not only is it an organizational challenge, but it also poses environmental concerns and efficiency bottlenecks. Paradigm offers a cutting-edge solution: transforming your paper record keeping clutter into a sleek, organized … Read more

Electronic Record Keeping: What’s Required in Japan

Electronic Record Keeping

In an era where digital transformation is pivotal, electronic record keeping has become more than a convenience—it’s a necessity. For Japanese businesses, recent legislative changes have significantly reshaped the landscape of electronic record keeping, especially in the context of tax compliance. Background of Electronic Record Keeping in Japan Traditionally, Japanese businesses have relied heavily on … Read more