Welcome to Paradigm

Our Journey

Welcome to Paradigm – a revolutionary platform that’s redefining how businesses in Japan manage and comply with the evolving landscape of financial regulations. Founded with the vision to simplify the complexities of compliance, Paradigm emerged as a response to Japan’s intricate and stringent tax laws. We realized that for many foreign-run SMEs operating in Japan, navigating these regulations was more than just a challenge; it was a formidable barrier to success and efficiency.

Our Mission

At Paradigm, our mission is simple yet ambitious: to empower businesses with the tools they need to seamlessly adhere to Japan’s tax laws and regulations. We understand that compliance should not be an obstacle, but a stepping stone towards greater business achievements. This is why we’ve dedicated ourselves to developing a platform that not only ensures compliance but also enhances operational efficiency.

What We Offer

Paradigm is at the forefront of compliance technology, offering a suite of services designed specifically for electronic document management and secure storage. Our platform leverages advanced technologies, including Amano’s acclaimed timestamping technology, to offer a robust solution for the mandatory storage and management of electronic financial documents like invoices, receipts, purchase orders, and contracts.

Our Commitment

We commit to providing a user-friendly experience without compromising on the rigor and accuracy required for compliance. Our team, comprising experts in both technology and Japanese tax law, ensures that Paradigm remains updated with the latest regulations, providing you with a solution that’s not just effective today, but future-proof.

Furthermore, we commit to adhering to the best standards, as defined by JIIMA.

Why Paradigm

Choosing Paradigm means being able to work in your language. It also means ensuring that your business’s financial documents are stored with the highest standard of timestamping, verified for integrity and compliance. With Paradigm, you join a growing community of businesses that are confidently navigating Japan’s tax environment.

Join Us At Paradigm, we’re more than just a service provider; we’re a partner in your business’s journey towards compliance and success in Japan. Discover how Paradigm can transform your approach to financial document management. Join us.