Frequently asked questions

  • Do you offer Enterprise-level licensing options?

    Certainly, please contact us for details based on size of organization, storage, and timestamps required.

  • Can we cancel Paradigm and come back to use it again later?

    We offer the option to keep your data in “cold storage” so that you can pick up where you left off at any time if you choose to take a break from monthly or yearly service. A simple reinstatement of service will have you back up and running within 24 hours with all files and data.

  • If Paradigm ceases operations or we stop using it, what happens to all of our data and timestamped files when we get audited?

    Your files may be exported from Paradigm into your own storage system or a third party storage system. All files are decrypted as part of the data export feature. Verification of files is still possible even after you cease using Paradigm as a service. 

  • Is this cloud based or do we need to install anything on our PCs and phones?

    Paradigm is 100% cloud-based, requiring no local installations of any kind. You have no risk of losing data as you would with a locally installed app, and we conduct regular and thorough backups to ensure that your data is stored securely at all times in a reduntant manner.

  • Is technical support online only, or is there a phone support option and what languages will you support us on?

    Technical support is email based, with Japanese/English phone support available for a one time or monthly fee.

  • Which Operating Systems and devices are supported?

    As Paradigm is web based, the only requirements are Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Safari browsers running on Windows, Mac, Linux as well as mobile and tablet devices such as iPhone and Android.

  • Can we configure Paradigm on our own, or do we need a System Integrator or Partner to assist us?

    Paradigm is simple to configure on your own, though for larger organizations, a customized interface may be desired. Paradigm staff are able to work with you to create this customized interface for an additional fee.

  • The interface looks too simple for such an important set of functions, why?

    The hard work is all done in the backend, such as file encryption, key allocation, timestamping, and so on. Our goal is to make our complex system easy for users to use and interact with without the burden of technical or regulatory knowledge required.

  • Can we verify that files are stored and timestamped appropriately in case we get audited?

    All files placed in Paradigm have a log of when they are timestamped. Once a file has been timestamped, its validity can be verified for up to 10 years from the date of the timestamp. This is much longer than tax authorities require businesses to retain records in Japan.

  • How can we be sure that Paradigm is fully compliant with tax regulations?

    The only way to be completely certain of compliance with Japanese tax requirements is to use a product certified by the Japan Image and Information Management Association (<a href=”jiima.or.jp”>JIIMA</a>). Paradigm is a member JIIMA and is pursuing certification.